Welcome To My LittleBig Website Arshia Mahmoudian

I'm FullStack Developer And Designer

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  • June 22 - 2019

    I specialize in web page design using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, with expertise in creating responsive and visually appealing websites. My proficiency extends to utilizing jQuery for enhanced functionality, and I continue to engage in this work.

  • Dec 26 - 2020

    I have earned an official Web Design certification with a score of 100 from Tehran Institute of Technology. This certification encompasses expertise in HTML, CSS, jQuery, JavaScript, Responsive.

  • June 22 - 2021

    For a period of 6 months, I served as a Backend Intern at Finosoft, enhancing my skills in C#, SOLID principles, Design Patterns, EF (Entity Framework), REST API, and UML. This experience enriched my proficiency in backend development.

  • June 22 - 2022

    After extensive training and mastering various programming languages such as Python, C# and WordPress, I felt compelled to share my skills with others. Consequently, I took the initiative to teach both soft skills and programming to adolescents at Yasan Academy, aiming to enhance their abilities in both areas.

.: Recent Blog Posts :.

  1. Welcome To My WebSite !

    Hi Dears!
    Welcome to the AMah Family!
    I am glad that you are reading this post. I will be happy to help you grow your business.
    Tell me how I can help you -> Contact Me !

  2. I\'m alive yet

    I'm alive yet but I don't publish any post till when I become a rich programmer 😁

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Arshia Mahmoudian

Web Developer / Desinger

I'm currently working Full-Stack and teaching Python & WordPress at YasanAcademy. I'm student of Industrial-Engineering at Azad University.